Rokas Liutkevičius

作者: 时间:2021-04-21 点击数:

洛卡斯·利伍特凯维奇伍斯(Rokas Liutkevičius ),立陶宛籍,2010年起至今任0638太阳集团官网立陶宛语外籍专家。毕业于维尔纽斯大学,研究方向为应用语言学。

Rokas Liutkevičius comes from Vilnius, Lithuania. He is a multilingual specialist of Lithuanian language and culture with more than 10 years of continuous teaching experience. Rokas holds a degree and teacher’s qualification in Lithuanian Philology, as well as an M. A. in Applied Linguistics from the most prominent Lithuanian higher education institution – Vilnius University. Expert’s main fields of interest include studies of Modern colloquial Lithuanian, Sociolinguistics and Discourse Analysis. Besides teaching Lithuanian language, Rokas has also conducted courses, seminars and lectures of Lithuanian linguistics for numerous groups of international students. Teaching at BFSU is another step for Rokas towards further professional challenges, and personal growth. His main goal is to always stay in the field of expertise he cherishes so much.

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